Teacher Looks at Class (III)

Look at them. No one here under their free will, even we sometimes want them to believe that. But they’re not. No one would like to do this voluntarily. But now they’re here and I’m here, so we have to make the best out of it. No, I have to make it the best for them, because that’s my job.

The ones in the first row are always the most problematic for me. They really believe school is important for their lives and they need to succeed. Showing them that school is not everything is always a nice challenge. The victims are not easy to get close to, but they need all the help they can get and it’s always great to see one of them lighten up and feel some hope. It often helps to show them that the teacher doesn’t think this is a fair system. The sports guys are also tough because we don’t relate at all but they like their lessons chilled and cool, so that’s fine. Look at her! Now, that’s an interesting one. If you have one student who has the potential to really get it, to be open for change and new ideas, then it’s worth more than anything else. The jokers are fine if you get a connection through humor, but tough if they feel you’re on their turf. But it mostly works out. The stylish girls are also tough because they normally don’t get what I’m up to. Not because they’re stupid, but because they often just can’t see a point in what I’m doing. But they also don’t have a problem, normally. Having a bad family history often leads to more interests in what I’m doing. And I guess you subconsciously see if someone has scars of their own. And I try not to care whose sister she is. There can be huge differences.

They all deserve their chance to see something in life that’s worth living it. They all deserve to be shaken up and to look behind the façade of this system. It doesn't really matter who they are. It also doesn't matter if I like them. I’m not saying I’m a better teacher (that’s for them to decide), but I know that methods, facts, rules and authority don’t count as much for being a teacher. You need a vision. A vision what they should take away from your lessons. They don’t need something to study, they need something to learn. They want to learn something, that’s the key, and a teacher needs to look at the class and needs to have a vision for them. Let’s go.

See also: Teacher Looks at Class (I)

See also: Teacher Looks at Class (II)